‘Tis the season for predictions, prognostications, prophesying, and planning.
The WHIR (Web Host Industry Review) recently assembled five pithy predictions from industry analysts on cloud computing.
Emphasis in red added by me.
Brian Wood, VP Marketing
Noise Filter: Cloud Computing Predictions for 2013
The past few weeks have seen an emergence of reports that list their cloud predictions for 2013. Though there are many overlapping and similar predictions among these reports, there were a handful of insights that stood out among the pack.
Here are five of the top analyst predictions regarding cloud computing in 2013.
In his report, Forrester analyst James Staten predicts how people “finally stop saying that everything is going cloud… and get real about what fits and what doesn’t.”
We now have enough understanding about what makes cloud platforms different from traditional virtual infrastructures and traditional hosting environments to make architecturally sound decisions about which applications to move to the cloud. Forrester’s strategic rightsourcing method can help you facilitate these discussions inside your company. Be sure to involve your developers who have actual hands-on experience with these platforms — they should be your guide.
Newvem chief evangelist Ofir Nachmani highlights how the “enterprise will move to the public cloud” in 2013.
The enterprise has already moved and started its proof-of-concept. Those who have realized the option to reduce cost, increase agility, and enjoy the real benefits of the cloud will continue migrating the resources of their non-critical services. Internalizing the public cloud (specifically AWS cloud) will inspire the enterprise to learn how to maintain a robust, highly available and secured service on the public cloud. That will put the hybrid environment in the front, supporting bursting and load migrations.
The traditional enterprise follows the new era one, making sure to transition and acquire only online and mobile services. The SaaS market will continue to grow and be the premier source for the enterprise new online services.
Forbes contributor Raj Sabhlok wrote that working in the cloud would no longer be regarded as “alternative work environment”.
The nexus of social, mobile and cloud will change our traditional view of how business gets done and the notion of a business itself. 2013 companies will embrace that they are 24×7 entities versus 9 to 5 businesses… businesses are recognizing that the whole company doesn’t need to be at the office at the same time, which translates to huge savings in real estate costs by swapping out expensive campuses for highly efficient spaces. Managers can relax and not watch the clock (or empty chairs) in fear that work is not getting done; employees are working longer and are more productive in this new notion of business.
In her ZDnet report, contributor Rachel King cites chief marketing officer Kevin Gavin’s prediction that “hybrid is the future for cloud computing.”
With the emergence of cloud-based UC, adoption of hybrid solutions encompassing a combination of cloud and premise will significantly increase,” Gavin explained. “In the next few years, we’ll see additional applications, such as voicemail transcription and email-based fax services, available as cloud services. Vendors that that offer hybrid solutions in 2013 will be better positioned for growth.
In his blog, CloudVelocity VP marketing Greg Ness discusses how the “debates about public versus private cloud will be rendered meaningless.”
Hybrid cloud will fulfill the promises of the public cloud marketing machine and will begin to transform IT operations from being bureaucratic and static into more entrepreneurial and fluid operating models. Speed will replace price as the primary driver for cloud as it goes hybrid.