BREAKING NEWS! AIS Customer Referral Promotion

Brian Wood Blog

Tis the season for giving thanks and giving gifts – and now you can also be rewarded for giving referrals to AIS!

For a limited time, AIS is offering a special incentive for customer referrals that result in new business: up to two months of free service for your firm, the referrer.

It’s easy; here is how it works:

  1. Refer a prospective new customer to your AIS representative; we’ll confirm right away whether it is already an opportunity on which we are currently working.
  2. If the opportunity is not already in our pipeline, then when we win the deal* we’ll reward your company with credit for up to two months of free service.
  3. If the new business MRR (monthly recurring revenue) amount is less than or equal to your firm’s current MRR, we’ll credit your account the new business amount.
  4. If the new business MRR is greater than your firm’s current MRR, we’ll credit the amount of MRR of the new deal up to two months’ worth of free service for you, the referrer.
  5. *Note: Service credit will be applied to the referring customer after the new customer has been installed and provisioned — and has actually paid for the first month of service.

This is simple win-win business proposition: a great way to save your firm some money while also cultivating new opportunities for AIS.

Ask your AIS representative for more details — and thank you for your business!

Brian Wood, VP Marketing

AIS Customer Referral Promotion